What is landing pages and why it's so important.
Why landing page is important? Landing page helps you make the profit – simple as that. How? Well, after you attract the potential customer through the campaign, landing page is the very first thing he/she sees. Of course you want to capture their attention and sell the product sooner or later. Landing page is the only opportunity to convince them to stay and see what do you offer. Don’t forget that you don’t have much time because most people are very impatient and usually leave after couple of seconds. This only increase the importance of having a high-quality landing page. On this page you can offer something valuable for potential clients, such as coupon, discount, free material, contest entry, free trial, etc. Homepage is not a place for such things, although they are very effective because, you know, people like free stuff. They give a contact info in exchange for something useful. After this, you will know more about their demographic characteristics, too, which is a ...